Humor Baby Bibs







Baby fever in their air!!  I had a request to make cake pops for a baby shower for a little guy who hasn’t come into the world yet.  This was the biggest order I have ever made!  150 cake pops were in the making in my very own home and thank goodness for the new AC system!  Since I only had two 40 count stands and two 30 count stands, that left me with 140 cake pops!  Good thing I had a 10 count stand and I decided to surprise them with baby boy cake pops!  Since you don’t see baby boy with bonnets, just like the baby girl cake pops I made here, I decided to make baby bibs for the boys!  Gives it a little extra something.  Googling ideas for clever baby bib quotes, I came across 10 that I liked.  Printed them out, punched it with my scallop circle hole punch and  circle hole punch, a little glue, and voila!  Hope everyone enjoyed them!

Spa Xclusivo




Spa Xclusivo will be having their grand opening tomorrow in Torrance!  I was asked if I could make this order for their grand opening.  My schedule was a little tight but I managed to make them.  I was also invited to go tomorrow to get a free mani/pedi but sadly, I can’t because I will be making 150 cake pops tomorrow and that would definitely require all the time I will have!  The weather has not been kind!!  It is super hot so it is hard to make cake pops in a hot kitchen!  Luckily, my dad just installed a new air cooler so it keeps our house nice and cold!  The only problem is when people come pick up their pops, they HAVE to blast on their AC!  I hope all cake pops will not be mushy because of the heat!

Animal Print Cupcakes




Happy Birthday to Jocelyn!  I usually don’t make cupcakes but these were requested and I could never say no to a baking opportunity!  I bought these awesome cupcake wrappers along with the tags at Michael’s Craft Store!  How convenient that they sold both of these and these were just the type of print I was looking for!  I customized it myself by printing the birthday girl’s names as well as the date of the party!  Adds a nice touch, doesn’t it?  Red velvet is the ultimate favorite amongst people and cream cheese frosting pairs well with it!  I just colored the cream cheese frosting brown to match the leopard print!  Can’t use chocolate cream because that would not be the original paring of red velvet!  Hope these were enjoyable!

Happy Father’s Day!



Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful dads and father figures out there!  Ties are always associated with Father’s Day and while this adds a nice touch to the cake pops, a mustache definitely represents a dad!  Hand-cut ties and piped mustaches add a unique touch to represent dads.  I hope everyone loved the red velvet and Oreo cake pops!

*Above is a picture of my wonderful dad with my siblings!  Happy Father’s Day Dad!

Congrats Andrea and Alex!





Congrats to Andrea and Alex on their wedding day!  The brother of the groom requested to have, and I quote “Chinesey” cake pops that will go well with the tea ceremony they had on June 14, 2013.  Red and gold are the basic colors of a Chinese wedding and I thought the gold sprinkles compliment really well with the red cake pops.  I hope everyone enjoyed them and congratulations again to the happy couple!

Hello Kitty & Rocky Road








Happy 6th birthday to Angela!  I had a request to make Hello Kitty cake pops!  I have never made these before so I was really excited to attempt it because I do like a challenge!  Rolling them into regular ball sizes, I made them oval shaped and for the ears, I used white chocolate chip morsels!  Using the candy melt as the “glue” I put them on and let them dry.  After that, they were dunked in white chocolate melts.  These had to be double dipped because the ears were brighter than her face!  Twice the work 😦  Lots of work was put into the Hello Kitty pops with the eyes, nose, bow, and whiskers!  Lots of patience and a steady hand was definitely needed!  I had lots of help from my sister and friend to help make these 🙂  Rocky Road flavor was also requested so I crushed up walnuts, nuts, and chopped up marshmallows!  These were incorporated into the cake ball itself, dipped in chocolate and sprinkled.  I give credit to my sister for helping me 🙂  If it wasn’t for some extra hands, I would have been exhausted!

While decorating, one of the Hello Kitty’s was messed up so my friend decided to bite it and make a zombie out of it!  I think it looks pretty cool!  Could this be a start of a Walking Dead party or something for Halloween??  Maybe!

I really hope these were enjoyed and devoured!!  Thanks for ordering 🙂